Our Community of Journalists
Find the journalist you need.
We connect journalists from around the world. We cover all topics and media platforms.
4000+ journalists
This facebook group allows us to communicate and share ideas, jobs and more.
At freelancejournalist.com we manage a network of several thousand journalists worldwide. Our database contains the contact details, geographical locations and track record of these journalists and we are in regular contact with them, updating them on our plans and the projects we’re involved in. Here are some of the ways we connect with this network:
Social media followers
Between us, the leadership team at freelancejournalist.com has tens of thousands of
followers across Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok. Many of these are journalists,
editors and media professionals. Our media posts are viewed by millions of readers.
JournoAnswers Facebook group
We run this group of more than 4,200 journalists, founded in 2014. It is a lively forum for
support and information for members and a great resource for editors and commissioners
looking for writers.
Regular social events
We run regular social events for freelance journalists and other self employed media
professionals, attracting hundreds of attendees. Our Christmas and summer lunches are